
The Caregiver Manual (rule book)

The quicker you get clear on whose results you own, the better you are! Even though you care for your...
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I Bought My Own Toothpaste

I met with a client this week. She told me she had figured out a hack and said, “Why do...
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Ageism Impacts All of Us

Ageism is stereotypes or discrimination based on age.  Research suggests that people with more negative views on the aging experience...
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Stuck on a highway during a record breaking storm for hours…in the dark

Some of you may have heard about the snow storm that hit the Denver Metro area at the end of...
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Caregivers – an offer for early 2023

You survived the holidays - some of you just barely, I know.  I have heard your stories. Before you dive...
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Kate Bowler’s Blessing for Caregivers

blessed are wefor whom the call to loving action is still strong,whose every urge is to keep going, keep working,and...
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Caregivers – Watch out your adult children may be coming for the holidays and they have opinions!

Holidays often mean adult children will be around. Maybe not so much this year, but perhaps. Children often show up...
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Happy Thanksgiving

It's that time again. Some of you are like, what time? You don’t even know what day of the week...
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A 6-hour flight from Denver to San Jose – what?

I was due to fly from Denver to San Jose, easy two-hour flight. The night before I discovered it was...
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Caregivers, You Just Never Know…

You just never know I was on a lunch break from a class. I had a few minutes and ran...
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Self Sufficiency Can Be Connection Blocker

I heard this idea on the We Can Do Hard Things podcast the other day. Oftentimes caregivers (and others) are...
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What Do You See In This Photo?

This is not a test - there is no right answer. First, I saw a face - two eyes and...
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When COVID Changes the Plans

My sister and I had a trip to the beach planned for six months. The night before we were leaving...
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When To Seek A Second Opinion

Sometimes we do not agree with a medical professional's advice or diagnosis.  Sometimes we just want confirmation of what could...
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Part 2: How to Advocate for Yourself/Loved One at Medical Appointments

As promised, I am following up on last week’s blog about preparing for medical appointments.  Many of us have waited...
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Tips for Preparing for Your Medical Appointment

Many people wait weeks or months to get a medical appointment and yet walk in to the doctor’s office unprepared. ...
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Tips for Transitioning to long term facilities

Over one million Americans live in nursing homes.  Many families have to make the hard choice to place a loved...
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Gaslighting at the doctor’s office

Let's start with the definition. What is gaslighting? It is a term tossed around frequently these days, usually in the...
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Legacy of Caregiving

Say what? I don’t want a legacy of caregiving. I hear you, you did not sign up for this.  Most...
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Statistics report: 1 in 3…

Perhaps you have heard 1 in 3 of us have or will have cancer in our lifetime. Given that, it...
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