
Are you working and caregiving?

If so, you are not alone.  According to AARP, 53 million people are caring for a loved one and 60%...
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What to do when you feel overburdened

I woke up today feeling off, anxious, and burdened with expectations: a list. I sat, got quiet and asked myself...
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Do You Feel Lost at Sea?

Do you feel lost at sea? Many do, and you are not alone. It may feel like it, and I...
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Caregiver – Do You Want to Pull Your Hair Out?

A wife who is a caregiver for her spouse with dementia shared her frustration today: Her spouse asked her the...
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Why do Caregivers Often Compare?

As a caregiver why do I keep comparing my situation? Because your brain is normal. What do you see when...
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Note to self – Do Not Take Epsom (Bath) Salts on an Airplane

I was at a small airport a few weeks ago and had Epsom salts in my carry-on. The bag was...
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Have you or someone you love been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI)?

The American Academy of Neurology reports 8% of people ages 65-69 have MCI. This is the stage before typical age-related...
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Grace-colored Glasses

Grace-colored Glasses I read a poem today about grace-colored glasses, message me if you would like a copy. It got...
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Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

I love to watch my young adult son embrace life.  I recently went to the beach with him knowing he...
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Defined by Webster as: ‘continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition’. Sam...
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How to Help Someone with a Chronic Illness

Likely you know someone with a chronic illness. The CDC reports 60% of adults are living with at least one...
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What If I Can’t Make It Better?

When you see a family member who is ill, struggling with physical pain, it can be difficult.  You may also...
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Fear Can’t Hurt You If You Meet It

Listen, fear can not actually hurt you. As caregivers and humans, we all experience it. Fear is an emotion. Like...
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The Facts of Life

You take the good,  you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life....
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In the land of caregiving, you will have hard days…

You may want to run away, cry, go back to bed, wish it would all go away - that’s all...
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The Epidemic of Loneliness in America

I’m writing this on Mother’s Day.  It does not escape me that many mothers and adult children are lonely today,...
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Ponder Your Obsession About Getting Away From It All

Do you think you would be happier under a palm tree? At a lake? On a mountain top?  If so,...
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How do you rate yourself as a caregiver?

Perhaps how clean your loved one/patient is. Perhaps how well they take their meds. Perhaps how they follow doctor’s orders....
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Ask Yourself – What is nothing has gone wrong?

This one question will change your caregiving energy forever if you use it appropriately. Use it all the time.  Every...
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You Are As Good A Caregiver As You Think You Are. Literally.

I was watching a training session and a new coach wanted to know the secrets from a veteran coach who...
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