Caregivers – How do you take back some of yourself in the process of caring for your loved one?

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Emotional intelligence, balance emotion control feeling between work stressed or sadness and happy lifestyle concept, mindful calm woman using her hand to balance smile and sad face.

Caregivers – How can you take back some of yourself in the process of caring for your loved one?

*Evaluate your options…you do not have to do anything – it may feel like it but it is not true. You can get help – you may think that is not possible, but that is not true either.

*Seek support…friends, family, neighbors, church, support groups – they are out there.  Also seek coaching or therapy. If you work outside the home you may have access to an EAP program that will pay for counseling.

*Try something relaxing – even a 5-minute bath, meditation or walk.

*Move your body…a walk around the block, a stationary bike bought at the secondhand store or a garage sale, pacing your hallways, an exercise class online or on your phone.

*Get some sleep…easier said than done, but any sleep is better than no sleep.

*Mindfulness…focus on breath, your feelings and sensations.  Example: Name 5 things you see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you taste.  Or breathe in slowly to a count of four and slowly out to a count of five.  The longer the exhale the more the nervous system can calm down.


*Laughter – evidence backed by science – trust me on this one.

Choose one activity to implement this week, or if you have the energy, try two. 

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