
Caregivers: Permission for B- caregiving

It’s ok to get a B-, I encourage it!  Does this sound crazy? To some of my caregivers I promise...
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Caregiver Lesson of the Day

Caregiver Lesson of the DayHave you heard the expression,  “We teach what we need to learn”?  I find myself in...
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#1 Caregiver complaint – There is no time for me!!

#1 Caregiver complaint - There is no time for me!Clients who are caring for their loved ones with long term...
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Missing during COVID: HUGS!

A client reminded me that a year ago she lost her partner - in the beginning of the COVID lockdown....
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Caregiver – when something goes unplanned do you have your own back or dive into a cereal box?

Last night I was on a family Zoom. We were trying a family book club for the first time. It...
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Are you a caregiver with SAD?

Dear Caregiver, It’s the middle of winter. Storms have reeked havoc across the country. Tonight, Denver has a winter weather...
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Caregiver – what unspoken rules are you carrying around?

Caregiver - what unspoken rules are you carrying around?I often hear, “I can’t leave, I have to take care of...
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Why Caregivers (And Everyone) Need a Life Coach!!!

Why coaching? Our brains like to keep us in our comfort zone even if we are miserable. That way, our...
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Caregiver – Let’s find compassion for YOU today!

What if the most courageous thing you could do for you, is to give yourself a PAUSE? To show grace...
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Caregiver – what expectations are you burdening your shoulders with today?

I woke up today feeling off, anxious, and burdened with expectations: a list. I sat, got quiet and asked myself...
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A client who I work with who has a spouse with dementia …

Do you feel lost at sea? Many do, and you are not alone. It may feel like it, and I...
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CAREGIVERS: do you feel like pulling your hair out??

A wife who is a caregiver for her spouse with dementia shared her frustration today: Her spouse asked her the...
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It’s the last day of 2020, many are heaving a sigh of relief.

It has indeed been an epic year. We have all had losses. Many of us - especially caregivers - have...
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Caregivers – Watch out, the children are coming – and they have opinions!!

Holidays often mean adult children will be around. Maybe not so much this year, but perhaps. Children often show up...
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Caregivers – how to survive and just maybe thrive this holiday…

So we all have expectations. They usually go hand in hand with you recall getting the Sears wish book...
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As a caregiver why do I keep comparing my situation?

As a caregiver why do I keep comparing my situation? Your brain is normal.What do you see when you look at...
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One-time FREE opportunity for a limited number of burnt out caregivers…

Are YOU taking care of a family member with a long term chronic illness? If so, you likely feel angry,...
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