
A funny story about pacemakers and church name tags

A funny story about pacemakers and church name tags My client’s husband just turned 90. He has Alzheimers. After a...
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Start Hard Conversations Early

If you know caregiving is coming in your family, likely for a parent, it may be best to gather interested...
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Start hard conversations early

If you know caregiving is coming in your family, likely for a parent, it may be best to gather interested...
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Guess who got to practice patience for 12 hours?

That would be me.  Guess who is not so good at patience? Last week I talked about remaining calm in...
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I was in a three-vehicle  accident on the highway today and it will be all okay 

I was driving to my son’s baseball game  on 1-70, going 70 mph.  There was a very long semi, two...
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Where is the safety net?

One giant misnomer in aging is that the government will protect us, that there is a safety net.  I hate...
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If you are actively caregiving – take advantage of support and resources available

If you are actively caregiving - take advantage of support and resources available Many millions of people woke up this...
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In honor of Pride Month – Did you know…. –

The number of self-identified LBGTQ seniors (which does not count those closeted) is expected to double by 2030, from 1.5...
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What exactly is  FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) and who qualifies?

There are a lot of misnomers about this federal program. I want to share some facts about it for my...
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2744 Steps Up The Mountain

My son and I climbed the Manitou Incline last week.  This was a perfect situation to observe mine and other...
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How to Maintain Your Sanity While Caregiving

Let’s get real. Caregiving can be exhausting. It can wear you down. Give this a try. It takes *5* minutes...
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How to Amputate A Leg and Other Ways to Stay Out of Trouble (thank you Nathan Mullins)…aka How to Avoid Burnout

Caregivers do you consider yourself pretty rational most of the time?  Maybe once in a while you lose it and...
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Monarch Butterflies: One Way to Stay Connected After Death

Many people think after someone has died they can no longer stay connected. It may seem impossible - not true...
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How To Get What You Want….Sometimes!

Most of us do not like to ask for help or ask for anything for that matter. Some people think...
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“I know where you went…”

“You snuck out, I know where you went…” Often times spouses of dementia patients get accused of theft, infidelity, or...
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One reason why a free coaching call may not be for you…

Dear Caregiver -  What if I am all sales-y and pushy?? No one likes that.  I avoid going to car...
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Caregiver – are you caring for a loved one with a life-limiting illness?

Below is a list of things you will likely encounter. It may be helpful to think about them now.  You...
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Caregivers – How do you take back some of yourself in the process of caring for your loved one?

Caregivers - How can you take back some of yourself in the process of caring for your loved one? *Evaluate...
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Misconceptions about Hospice

Misconceptions about Hospice In addition to coaching caregivers, I have been a hospice social worker for 12 years. I am...
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 5 Stages of Grief – It’s Not Exactly What You Have Heard

Many have heard of Elisabeth Kubla-Ross’ five stages of grief. Most of us have connected them to losses we have...
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