Guess who got to practice patience for 12 hours?

Guess who got to practice patience for 12 hours?
Portrait of a scared little girl with a broken mobile phone. A sad child broke the screen of a mobile phone. Cracked display in hand kids.

That would be me.  Guess who is not so good at patience? Last week I talked about remaining calm in my recent three-car accident.  Follow up… the other insurance company…

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How to Maintain Your Sanity While Caregiving

How to Maintain Your Sanity While Caregiving
Woman has depression with bewildered thoughts in her mind. Loss of short-term memory, difficulty concentrating, problems planning and pondering things are symptoms of dementia.

Let’s get real. Caregiving can be exhausting. It can wear you down. Give this a try. It takes *5* minutes max a day. You CAN find 2.5 minutes in the…

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How to Amputate A Leg and Other Ways to Stay Out of Trouble (thank you Nathan Mullins)…aka How to Avoid Burnout

Caregivers do you consider yourself pretty rational most of the time?  Maybe once in a while you lose it and become what some may call an “emotional tornado”? Yale University…

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Monarch Butterflies: One Way to Stay Connected After Death

Monarch Butterflies: One Way to Stay Connected After Death
Monarch Butterflies in Michoacan, Mexico, millions are migrating every year and waking up with the sun.

Many people think after someone has died they can no longer stay connected. It may seem impossible - not true my friends. Relationships can continue - they are simply thoughts…

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