What I Learned About Alzheimer’s

I recently attended an eye-opening 90-minute webinar hosted by AARP on Alzheimer’s and dementia. The session was presented by the dynamic JJ Jordan, a 72-year-old advocate who turned her personal experiences with dementia into a mission for change. Her parents and in-laws faced dementia diagnoses, and their journey inspired her to dedicate her life to raising awareness and pushing for progress. JJ testifies in Congress, gives over 100 presentations annually, and firmly believes that a cure for new cases is just a few years away.

Here are the key takeaways that stood out:

Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia

  • Dementia is an umbrella term; Alzheimer’s is its most common form (70% of cases).
  • Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging.
  • It’s a brain disease, not a mental health issue, and affects memory, cognition, and daily living.

Stats and Facts:

  • 57 million people worldwide are diagnosed—a low number due to underreporting.
  • Dementia risk increases with age, with 45% risk over age 85.
  • Two-thirds of dementia patients are women.
  • People with Down syndrome are highly susceptible to Alzheimer’s.
  • 42% of individuals over 55 risk some form of dementia in their lifetime.

Prevention and Risk Reduction

Good news: 45% of dementia risk is modifiable through lifestyle choices:

  1. Cardio Exercise: Weight-bearing activities help preserve brain health.
  2. Mediterranean Diet: A plant-based diet, especially with blueberries, can reduce risk by 13%.
  3. Hearing and Sight: Treating these can cut risk by 50%.
  4. Sleep: Quality sleep flushes out toxic brain proteins.
  5. Mental Health: Managing depression, stress, and anxiety is key.
  6. Brain Safety: Use seat belts and helmets to prevent traumatic brain injuries.

Signs and Symptoms

Early signs to watch for:

  • Forgetting recent events and repeating questions.
  • Difficulty with familiar tasks (e.g., cooking).
  • Poor judgment, personality changes, and social withdrawal.

Caregiving Tips

Caring for someone with dementia is demanding. JJ emphasized:

  • Practice self-care and schedule regular respite.
  • Answer repetitive questions cheerfully.
  • Avoid arguing or criticizing.
  • Use short sentences and maintain a calm tone.
  • Stay physically and mentally healthy.

Hope for the Future

JJ’s optimism stems from advancements in research:

  • Blood tests may soon diagnose types of dementia.
  • New medications and treatments aim to slow progression.
  • AI and faster research methods are accelerating discoveries.

Top Takeaways

  1. Early detection matters—Medicare covers cognitive assessments for those 65+.
  2. Caregiver health is vital.
  3. Social isolation and stress increase risk.
  4. Treat your brain as your best friend and invest in its health.

The Alzheimer’s Association and local resources like the Colorado Respite Coalition are excellent places to start for support.

This webinar left me inspired and more informed about how we can all reduce risks, care for loved ones, and advocate for change. Let’s spread the word and make a difference together!

Feel free to share this with anyone who might benefit!

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