Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

I love to watch my young adult son embrace life. 

I recently went to the beach with him knowing he would dive into the ocean. I however was not planning to partake for many reasons:

*Did not want to get my clothes wet

*Did not want to get my hair wet

*Do not like to be in water when I can not see what is going to come up and eat my   ankles (I dramatic but true)

*Did not want to step on a jellyfish (I watched my sister do that)

*Did not, did not…

My son is persistent (see last blog).

I started with freezing ankles in the water where I had firm control of my balance and surroundings.

He kept walking out saying – Mom, Mom – (signaling with his hands for me to come out).

I went a few feet further and got acclimated to the temperature.

I let myself slowly leave my comfort zone, or what I imagined it to be.

Comfort zones can change.

Eventually I would catch a wave – or not – and end up belly down in the sand.

Literally the waves thrashed my tee shirt and shorts up and down and I could feel the cool sand on my belly. Blissful.  

I also had the opportunity to watch the sun go down and the full moon come up at the same time.

I can easily and happily envision doing it again, proving that it is possible to leave your comfort zone (despite fearing jellyfish and other creatures nipping at my ankles). 

There were no jellyfish and it turns out you can straighten your hair again and clothes wash.

For a free consultation on leaving the land of comfort or anything else, reach out for a free 20- minute consultation.

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