How to Help Someone with a Chronic Illness

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Likely you know someone with a chronic illness. The CDC reports 60% of adults are living with at least one chronic illness, defined as a medical condition that won’t go away, has persisted for at least a year, requires medical attention and/or limits activities of daily living (i.e. heart disease, cancer, mental health condition, arthritis, etc.).

It can be very hard to watch a friend or family member struggle. It can be difficult to know how to support someone with an illness, that does not go away. Often these patients look fine on the outside but struggle internally. It can be helpful to talk about it even if it feels uncomfortable at first. Patients are usually thrilled that someone is addressing the issue instead of pretending it doesn’t exist.  People will let you know if they do not want to talk about it. Caregivers also need to feel their own needs are being considered and not to give up their own interests.

Ask questions and be curious. People with chronic illness need support, so find out how you can help.  Folks with chronic illness often don’t know how to bring up their condition to others. It’s also helpful to be prepared for the worst-case scenario, especially if you are around them in the same space. Helpful questions include “What would be helpful for me to know and learn about your illness?” “What’s it like living with your illness?” and “How can I best support you?” 

Often people with chronic illness don’t want pity but to be understood. As a friend or family member, you can help support their well-being. You could help with tasks such as meal prep, grocery shopping, considering their needs if you are spending time with them, and understanding their limits. Let your actions show you care.

If you have a chronic illness or support someone who does and need some extra support please reach out for a complimentary 20-minute phone consultation.

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