What If I Can’t Make It Better?

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Old senior asian patient suffering from back pain, back ache

When you see a family member who is ill, struggling with physical pain, it can be difficult.  You may also see your family member challenged with emotional pain like fear, anger, or resentment. It can be gut wrenching to watch and makes you feel helpless.

You may want to comfort or fix the pain, but that rarely, if ever works, and it can frustrate your loved one as you try to fix it.

This again can leave you feeling helpless or out of control.

You may believe – they should not be in pain, so I need to fix it, or this is my responsibility.

Guess what – none of that is true and believing these thoughts keeps you trapped.

They don’t need your fixing. They need your compassion and listening.

And when you are a burned-out caregiver, giving compassion and listening is rough to do, especially

when you add anxiety.

I have helped many caregivers with this and much more.  Feel free to reach out for a complimentary consultation, I would love to chat with you.

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