In the land of caregiving, you will have hard days…

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You may want to run away, cry, go back to bed, wish it would all go away – that’s all totally normal.

When it gets hard, try to notice and not judge.  Things can get scary, and our minds can go to dark places – again normal.

Sometimes our loved ones who are patients have been sick for a long time, and sometimes we want it to end. You may be tired of being scared and tired.  Just let it be – don’t pile judgment on yourself.

When things get rough, we tend to focus on our own pain, thinking ‘I wish this was over, it will never get better, this is unfair’.

Then we often feel guilty and selfish and heap on self-judgment.  This does not help anyone.

You are just having thoughts, that is all. They do not mean anything about you, they are just thoughts of a human who is tired and scared.

Next time, notice it. Notice any judgment popping up. Notice those thoughts without judging.

Then let it be hard – cry – scream – allow the feelings. They need to be felt, so they can move through you and pass.  If you don’t allow them, they will pop up sideways at an inconvenient time.  Believe me on this one.

Sometimes I just tell myself it is going to be hard today and that is okay.

This goes for caregivers and everyone else going through challenging times.

Reach out for a free 20-minute consultation and we can talk more about hard things.

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