Ask Yourself – What is nothing has gone wrong?

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Disappointed and sad asian business woman reading bad news from phone, employee working in office.

This one question will change your caregiving energy forever if you use it appropriately.

Use it all the time.  Every day, every time you start to get agitated about something your patient/loved one did that you do not agree with.

Stop, drop and ask – ”What if nothing has gone wrong here?”

Your brain will grimace and say, “Uh, nooo.  They are not doing what they are supposed to do.  Something is going wrong.  (Maybe even you might think….I may have done something wrong.)”

And…what if nothing has gone wrong?  What if it was meant to happen?  Is it possible that….?

For example, one caregiver I know was upset that her spouse stopped doing physical therapy. Is it possible nothing was wrong? Maybe. When you are a patient do you want to have agency over your body or have someone telling you what to do? If you really think about it, most of us don’t want people doing things because we “make” them. That does not usually turn out well.

Perhaps this sounds mind boggling. I know – I thought so at first too. Reach out and we can talk about this.  Nothing is going wrong.  Remember our brains are designed to keep us safe, not happy.

Reach out for a free 20 minute consultation, I would love to chat with you.

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