Stuck on a highway during a record breaking storm for hours…in the dark

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A red car has slid on the icy road and his into the freeway medium. This has created a traffic jam for the other cars.

Some of you may have heard about the snow storm that hit the Denver Metro area at the end of the year – we made national news.

I was headed home alone from a family dinner. Note to all – do not drive a Prius in the snow.

I was headed up a hill, five miles from home and came to a stop.  The snow was reportedly coming down at a rate of 2 inches an hour.

Many miracles occurred for which I am grateful….

This was my first time being stranded.

I held it together for the first 3.5 hours, quite well as a matter of fact.

I really had to pee and finally figured a way to do it (I’ll spare you details).

I was put on the “priority” list for AAA as several of us were blocking one of two lanes.

People came to knock on my window and check on me.

I had food and water and plenty of gas which is rare for me.

Then a semi jackknifed behind me.

Then there were at least 10 cars stranded that I could see.

AAA kept calling, “We have not assigned you a tow yet.

Then more miracles…

Two angels driving big pickups who were off the clock were strapping our stranded cars one by one to their truck and pulling us up the hill.

CLAYTON – wherever you are, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!

After his help I almost made it home. However, the Prius decided to stop again at a major intersection under lights, one mile from home.

My spouse and man/son who had come to rescue were close by. They shoveled furiously, so I was able to drive on. 

I made it to my neighborhood only to slide into a snowbank four houses from home. I then walked home in tears, so done.

I held it together until hour four when I asked Clayton how I could thank him.  He humbly said, “Just pay it forward.”  I wept.  Literally in the pouring, freezing snow he was laying under my car trying to figure out how to hook up the strap – on his own time, for free.  Who does this??

I found out today people were stuck on 1-70 for over 10 hours.  I got off easy as it was only four.

How can you pay it forward this January? I will be figuring that out for myself.

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