What Do You See In This Photo?

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This is not a test – there is no right answer.

First, I saw a face – two eyes and a large mouth. Then I saw a bikini.

Then I wondered what others saw.

I imagine some saw “art”, some saw graffiti, and some just walked by without looking.

The bottom line is it is paint on a cement wall – we could all agree on that. Beyond that the mind is limitless.

Whatever we think about it generates a feeling – disgust, amusement, appreciation, anger, etc.

Different people, different reactions – this is usually the case. What do you want to feel about your home/loved one/job/the weather today? Likely if you are reading this you are a caregiver. Do you want to feel content, resentful, curious?  Any of those feelings are okay.

Do your feelings serve you, and if so, do you want to stay there?  If not reach out for a free consult and I will help you figure it out.

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