When COVID Changes the Plans

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My sister and I had a trip to the beach planned for six months.

The night before we were leaving she got COVID – and not a mild case.

I had all the feelings – mad, sad, frustrated and – tears.

Then I switched gears.  I could not change the fact she wasn’t coming. 

I have traveled alone before and I enjoy it.

I decided ahead of time I was going to have an awesome time and make the most of it.

I highly recommend solo travel.

When you go alone you decide everything – where you eat, if you eat, when you eat, what you do or don’t do, how hot or cold your environment is, how loud or soft you want to be, to sleep in or not, when to do whatever you want or don’t want to do. 

My cousin said, “I hope the weather is nice at the beach.”  I thought, I have a great rental, so it doesn’t even matter – I decided ahead of time, rain or shine, it will be good. I even asked for an extra night at the rental and got it for half off.

I had the best time and enjoyed every moment. And I would have enjoyed it all with with sister too.  Both…and. So fun to be able to be flexible and adjust at the last moment.

I was not always like this. In the past I could have melted down and not necessarily recovered with the grace and resilience I found to pull this off.

Caregivers, I know it is hard!! You can decide ahead of time how you are going to show up, regardless of what your loved one/patient does or says.  Reach out for a free session and I can help show you how. 

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