In honor of Pride Month – Did you know…. –

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The number of self-identified LBGTQ seniors (which does not count those closeted) is expected to double by 2030, from 1.5 million to 3 million in the United States, according to the National Resource Center. 

Queer seniors often face discrimination at end of life and are more likely not to have their health care wishes honored according to a study by the Gerontologist. Many go back into the closet due to lack of family and social support at the end of life, to avoid discrimination.

A study from Columbia University found that living in a highly stigmatized environment can result in life expectancies shortened by as much as 12 years for LBGTQ people. 

The number one request of LBGT seniors in senior living facilities is the ability to identify as LGBTQ and to be affirmed and accepted by staff. 

SAGE is a national advocacy organization looking out for our LGBTQ elders.  For more information, visit

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