Caregivers – do you desire to care for your loved one AND have a life?

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You may be rolling your eyes thinking, “Sure, but it’s not possible.”

My clients tell me they can’t do both, and I have another idea.

My clients feel trapped – like they can never leave home. 

Some tell me they would never ask for help even when they know it is available.

(Hint – even if help is not obvious – you can find it!)

Do you see the dilemma? 

We tell ourselves we have to do it alone.

We decide ahead of time we are the only one who knows how.

We believe we are the only one our loved one will ever respond to.

Maybe, but…

I often watch clients prove these statements wrong.

You can have a life and you can take good care of your loved one.

It is possible.  You just may not know how yet. I promise it is not rocket science to learn either.

Do you even want to believe it though? 

You can decide what is true.

What would you tell yourself if you got help – would you let it be okay?

What if your loved one actually cooperated with someone else?

Reach out for a complimentary 20 – minute session and I can show you how you may be making your caregiving more challenging than you intend.

PS I know you are exhausted and burned out. I see you

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