Should You Find Yourself in the ER or ICU…

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Checklist for life in the ER and ICU in COVID times

As a previous owner of a patient advocacy business and now a life coach guiding caregivers along difficult journeys, I found myself in the ER and ICU again this week.

Here are some tips for making it through:

*Buckle your seat belt and hold on.

*Only 1 person allowed in at all times in COVID, although some have been known to break the rules before the charge nurse notices.

*Assign a point person to document notes including tests/results/questions/times/pain.

*Assign a point person to manage the traffic into the patient’s room especially if the patient can expect a lot of visitors.

*Assign someone to be the point of communication with everyone on the outside so messages remain clear, even then they might not be.

*If someone close to the patient is a child/teen/young adult and you are encountering the end of life, proceed carefully and with guidance.

*Remember 99% of all medical staff are beyond exhaustion and their wits end.

*Remember the patient is likely confused, scared and in pain. Even if it seems they can’t hear you, they can (this is backed by science).

*If you are a friend or family member supporting someone who is supporting the patient, offer them extra grace and patience, at least for a few days.

*If you are in the patient’s room, act like you belong there, or at least pretend to be confident – ask your questions and have the answers repeated if you don’t understand the response.

*Remember every day is a new day – as family and friends often get a little extra feisty, so take a deep breath.

*We do not know the future –  miracles can happen.

If you are new to this or have questions, please reach out for a free 20-minute coaching call for support.

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