How Do You Want to Show Up Today?

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As we complete two full years of COVID being in this world, being a human can be overwhelming to say the least.

Without thinking we often get so caught up in what we are doing.  What do I need to do today?

Do you ever wonder who you are BEING instead?

As caregivers there is so much to DO.  What if who you were BEING as a caregiver was the priority, instead of the list?

Likely you are preparing meals, helping your loved one bathe, get dressed, set up appointments, fill up pill boxes, etc.  Are you being the caregiver/human you want to be?

Do you want to be present, compassionate and confident or are you stressed, overwhelmed and filled with dread?

You get to choose – feel free to reach out if you would like coaching in this area.

I offer a 20-minute free session for first time clients.

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