What if you could change your reputation?

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“Self-esteem is just the reputation that you have with yourself.” Ravikant

When we disappoint ourselves, we risk our self-esteem. Poor choices and disappointing ourselves when we make excuses shape our view. Excuses limit how we see ourselves.

Who you see yourself to be is not permanent, you can change and it isn’t as hard as you think.

We are whomever we decide ourselves to be, our limits are self-determined. Who you saw yourself as in 2020 can be different in 2021.

“Busy” people can become chill.

Extroverts can make different choices.

A cheater can choose to not cheat.

A high school dropout can make millions.

Workaholics can choose to work less than 40 hours a week.

Caregivers who do it all can decide to get help.

You can follow rules and break them. 

You get to choose daily.

Every moment you can change your reputation. You can be one choice away from a new way, a new pattern, or choosing to create a new reputation. This isn’t about others see you – it is about how you want to and do see yourself.

Reach out for a free mini session to learn tools on how to make these changes. You’ve got this. It is possible!

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