How Did She Get Up There?

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Teenage girl climbing on climbing wall. Climbing gym.

I saw a picture that a friend posted online and thought, “Wow, how did she get up there?  That is a lot of bumps to climb.”

The answer – one brave step at a time. Just like caregiving. You can’t skip over the bumps or go around them, you have to go through them. The same is true for our feelings –  although we often try hard to hide them, resist them, or push them away. Actually, you can ignore your feelings, but it can take your brain and body to places you don’t want to go.

As caregivers we go step by step as well, one moment at a time: that is all we have.

When my friend scaled this giant wall she thought, “This is way up there in a whole other world. Exhilarating and scary all at the same time – so much so, I had to do it again.”

Once we learn how to process our feelings, which can sometimes be slow and painful, we gain agency over them, we learn we can survive and heck, we may even want to do it again.

Thanks Barb C for your inspiration.

Reach out  for a 20 minute mini session on how you can start feeling your feelings. You got this.

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