What do you wish would change and how to get unstuck?

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What do you wish would change and how to get unstuck?

As caregivers I know you have a list of things you wish would be different… your loved one would be in less pain, less moody, this role would be easier, I wouldn’t have to be the caregiver, I would have less anxiety every day..

Think of one thing you want to be different. Often it is, I wish _____ would not be sick. That often keeps caregivers stuck because the truth is _____is sick! We look for evidence of that and stay upset. Look at how that impacts you.  How does your daily distress that ____ is sick impact your life? I know you could make a long list. 

Now explore what life would be life without the desire that your loved one isn’t sick. What would life be like if you never had that thought? How freeing would that be? This is where the power is – you get to choose what you think – simple, not always easy.

You can choose a better belief about your loved one.  Since the reality is that your loved one IS sick, what do you want to think and believe? Maybe this wish could be: I can help, I can add some joy to the day, I can make a hard situation a bit easier or I can find someone to help us to do that.

Then look for proof of your new belief. If you choose the thought you can help your loved one look for ways you do that.  Then decide what works better for you – I wish _____ was not sick (arguing with what is) or I believe I can help even though they are sick.

This practice takes work and is completely possible. Let me help you. Reach out for a free coaching call -you have nothing to lose!

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