Top Question I Am Asked By Caregivers

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Almost all caregivers who are taking care of a close family member long term have asked me the same question.

It is not something people ask lightly.

Many feel guilty and ashamed to ask and do so in a whisper. 

Are you curious what it is? 

Caregivers want to know when caring for someone with a chronic or terminal condition, is it normal to want this to be over, to want my loved one to pass so this will end?  Many are horrified to have even said the words aloud.

My answer is this; it is completely normal, especially for wives who are caregiving a partner who is several years older. I often hear, “I am waiting for my chapter 2 to begin, when will this end?” Age differences seem less important in the younger years but as we age it often becomes more significant.

So yes, it is totally normal to fantasize about the process being over, your loved one dying, and your caregiving role coming to an end.

And you do not have to feel dread and anxiety while caregiving. I promise you can have a life, enjoy your role, and you can breathe – it is possible.  Come find out how.

Reach out for a free, painless coaching call that can change your life. I look forward to talking to you.

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