Caregiver – do you fear for your’s or your loved one’s future?

You are currently viewing Caregiver – do you fear for your’s or your loved one’s future?

Most caregivers do.  You didn’t sign up for this. It has been a roller coaster: most days are unpredictable. That can be scary.

When we are afraid it is hard to concentrate on anything else including the person in front of us that we are caring for. 

How does it work when people tell you not to be afraid or not to worry?

I know, it does not work. 

I am not here to tell you to stop worrying or stop being afraid. I want to hear your worries and your fears.  We can work with them so they are manageable. 

Let’s identify the obstacles and figure out your strategies to ease the worry. That is one of my specialties. It is doable, you just can’t see it when you are afraid and people telling you to stop it. 

I have evidence that what I do works. I am here to support you. It’s okay to be afraid. I’ve been there.

Contact me for a free mini session and we can talk about your fears and possible next steps. Are you in?