What can you ignore to get stronger?

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Caregiver – What will you choose to ignore today that will make you stronger?

When your loved one that you are trying to help says or does something unsavory, how do you typically respond? 

Personally, I want to lash out. My clients tell me they do too – until they realize it is not in their best interest. Things often go downhill after that.

I’m working on a skill I need to practice and I am encouraging you to, as well.

Know what to ignore. How can you get to the other side of a hard moment without running away? Resist the urge to go to make a biting comment, eat junk, pour another glass, check  email, spend money or gossip.

Sit with the feeling, the discomfort. It may feel unbearable. Science tells us if we actually sit with a feeling, which is a vibration in our body, it will pass in 90 seconds. Set a timer, test it out.

Give yourself the chance to ride the wave of discomfort and let it pass. Show yourself you can endure. We do not always need to react.  Believe me, sometimes I think I do. 

I’d love to offer you a 20-minute free session of coaching on how to process through a hard feeling instead of engaging in a behavior you will be upset about later.