As a caregiver why do I keep comparing my situation?
Because your brain is normal.
What do you see when you look at this photo?
Do you wonder…How long the grandparents have been married, where did they meet? What activities do the kids do, what are they up to secretly? How often are mom and dad romantic, do they ever fight? Then our brains compare, it’s what they do.
We look at “happily ever after” pictures and compare our lives and families to them.
Comparing rarely helps, it often leads us down a path of despair, I’ve done it, you’ve done it. Without effective outcomes.
What if I told you no one in this photo is related? It’s true. It is a staged photo, it came from stock photos.
I know. It’s all made up and look at all the thoughts you had.
So easy to go down that path, it’s what our brains do, very common.
Every individual and family is unique, perfectly imperfect.
Do you want to practice gratitude today regardless of how imperfect your situation is? Are you interested in avoiding comparing? Take one minute, write down three things you are grateful for, keep going if you’d like.
Next time you see a photo or ad, remember it’s likely staged.
If you would like a complimentary 20 minute consultation please reach out, I would love to connect.

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