Fear Can’t Hurt You If You Meet It

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Terrified little dog lying on the floor below bed.

Listen, fear can not actually hurt you.

As caregivers and humans, we all experience it.

Fear is an emotion. Like all emotions, fear comes from stories we tell ourself.

Emotions are experienced as sensations in your body – a pit in your stomach, a tightness or pressure in your chest.

That is it! It can’t hurt you. The only way to get rid of it is to open up to it.

Many try over drinking, over eating, shopping, social media, etc. That is not getting rid of fear. That is numbing and fear will wait.

If the thought of letting fear in sounds horrifying I understand.

Many think focusing on all the thoughts causing fear will lead to more fear.

Not true. Opening up to your emotions means looking within and seeing how fear feels in your body. Is it a tightness, pressure, a pit – is there a texture, a color? Can you notice it and acknowledge it?

We are not taught this. I remind myself – this is fear – I can allow it to pass through me, I will not die.

We can not escape fear, we are human. Try this once and see what happens.

When you open up to fear and really look at it, it will lose power over you.

I help my clients get to know their feelings and process them through their body – it saves so much energy.

Reach out if you would like help with this or anything else.

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