Ponder Your Obsession About Getting Away From It All

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A hammock at the beach with the view of Bacuit Archipelago islands - El Nido, Philippines

Do you think you would be happier under a palm tree? At a lake? On a mountain top?  If so, then this idea is going to sound a bit paradoxical.  Imagine your stressed-out caregiver (or simply human self), anxious, cranky and/or irritable in whatever paradise you choose.  Remember your brain will come with you – vacation or no vacation. 




Doesn’t matter. The brain comes.

The top three emotions you feel on a daily basis will catch up with you no matter where you go.

Being overly focused with a vacation simply means you have some work to do on creating fun where you are.  If you want to of course. The choice is yours, you can always choose to stay stressed, anxious or cranky.  I wonder how that serves you, the brain can be tricky.

I know, I can hear some of you arguing about this – get on a free call and we can talk about it.  I promise when you are done you will leave with a different perspective or your money back, lol.

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