A 6-hour flight from Denver to San Jose – what?

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I was due to fly from Denver to San Jose, easy two-hour flight. The night before I discovered it was going to take close to six hours to get there. What?? It’s not supposed to be that way, I thought.

Apparently, we were stopping in Washington and if not disembarking, we had to stay on the plane. I woke up very early for this.  While in Washington, on the plane, I asked the couple behind me if they knew about the long layover. Indeed they did not and were displeased.

In the meantime we started sharing parts of our life story while we hung out for 90 minutes.

I said I am a therapist and coach. They said their college daughter is depressed and anxious. The dad, my new acquaintance, teared up talking about her, and told me that her therapist had retired. Later in the flight they told me they decided I was a “kick” and texted their daughter about me.  All three of them thought I may be a good match.

I now have a new client – that I never expected that when I left my house at 5am for a dreaded six-hour flight.  I can’t wait to meet her.  I am rarely chatty on planes as I talk all week.  I tried something new, decided to change my thought about my lengthy trip and made new connections. It paid off and was so fun! 

Caregiver — what is something you are dreading this week that might be a tad bit more enjoyable with a thought switch that will change how you feel?  I don’t want you to change your thoughts if you like the ones you have. If you don’t, I can help and you can do it. I promise.

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