Gaslighting at the doctor’s office

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Let’s start with the definition. What is gaslighting? It is a term tossed around frequently these days, usually in the context of a relationship. Basically, it is when someone manipulates you into questioning your sanity.

How does this work at medical appointments? Unfortunately it is an all too often occurrence I hear about from clients, friends and family – most often from women.

Examples include: 

*Your provider often interrupts, won’t allow you to elaborate and doesn’t appear to be engaged in listening to your concerns

*Your provider minimizes or downplays your symptoms

*Your provider does not order X-rays or lab work to rule out or confirm a condition

*You feel the provider is rude, belittling or condescending

Does any of this sound familiar to you or your loved one? What can you do? 

The following are some options you may want to try: keep a symptom journal, prepare a list of questions, take a second person with you, contact a patient advocate, get a second opinion, file a complaint, or get coached.

For help with this or anything else, please reach out for a free consultation.

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