Guess who got to practice patience for 12 hours?

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Portrait of a scared little girl with a broken mobile phone. A sad child broke the screen of a mobile phone. Cracked display in hand kids.

That would be me.  Guess who is not so good at patience?

Last week I talked about remaining calm in my recent three-car accident.  Follow up… the other insurance company is taking liability and my neck hurts just a smidge.

Yesterday I was about to take a picture and my phone was not cooperating.  Tons of lines were running up and down, flashing..  I was really mad I didn’t get the picture I wanted with giant cartoon characters.

Luckily, I had a lovely friend here for the weekend who loves to solve tech challenges. I will spare you the details but it was a mighty challenge.

Bottom line: I did not have access to a phone for 12 hours.  Some might delight in this, I did not. In fact for a moment I thought I would lose my mind when I envisioned perhaps not getting any of my data back.

All is well.  After a few hours I mostly stopped thinking about it. Then late last night before it was fully fixed, I wanted to see the weather forecast for today and then remembered I didn’t have a phone.

I have a new used phone now thanks to my boy/man aged 19.  I missed a ton of texts and those who text me know I reply asap.  I choose to be patient and let it go.

What do you want to let go of? Feel free to text me for a free 20-minute consultation.

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