I was in a three-vehicle  accident on the highway today and it will be all okay 

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Police officer writing ticket

I was driving to my son’s baseball game  on 1-70, going 70 mph.  There was a very long semi, two lanes over and ahead of me. It did not see the sedan in between us as it moved to the center lane. I watched as an accident was about to happen.

The semi side-swiped the sedan which swerved out of the way and side swiped me. My car was out of control, about to tip and I was scared until I came to a stop.  Luckily, I was on the shoulder headed the correct way. It will all be okay I said to myself.

The semi kept driving. The other driver who was in his 60’s and his wife pulled over behind me on the highway. I was in one piece and I saw him get out of his car. It will all be okay.

I approached the driver and I was “shaking like a leaf,” he noted. He sobbed and asked if I was okay. I knew I needed touch, so I reached to hug him. It will be okay. His wife called 911.

We waited, and I reminded myself again that it will all be okay. I went back to my car as it was 90 degrees.  Every five minutes the driver came to apologize again. I tried to assure him it was not his fault, and we were all okay.  I think his brain stayed in guilt mode convinced he had done something wrong.

After the cops came and filed a report, I decided to skip baseball and come home to rest. It will all be okay.

Then I broke down. That is normal I told myself, It will be okay. After resting and a bath, I

tried to call insurance. 

My car is banged up and the passenger door is a challenge to open. It will be okay. 

I may not get reimbursed as I don’t have comprehensive insurance, my car is drivable. It will be okay. 

So many thoughts I could have chosen this morning. Who knows what the semi driver is thinking; he may or may not know he caused an accident. The driver in the other car thought he had caused me harm and felt guilt. I believe and know it will be all okay.

We will see how it all plays out. It is possible to choose your thoughts on purpose regardless of the situation. In turn we create our results. If you would like coaching on how to create thoughts that lead to your desired results, on purpose, reach out for a free 20 – minute consultation.

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