Let’s get real. Caregiving can be exhausting. It can wear you down. Give this a try. It takes *5* minutes max a day. You CAN find 2.5 minutes in the morning and at night. Fill in the blanks and see what can change.
In the morning, ideally first thing, 4 quick questions:
1. Today I want to show up for……….from a space of………….. (example: neutrality, calmness,
love, less anger than yesterday, confidence). Remind yourself that most of us do not want to be sick or dependent on others.
2. One thing I am grateful for today is……………(example: the sun, my bed, my legs, my breath,
food in the refrigerator, the shower).
3. If he/she were feeling well, they would want me to know………………………………………….
(example: they appreciate me, they wish I did not have to do this, they love me, they would do
the same, this is hard for them, they know they are a burden and don’t want to be).
4. When I make a mistake today (and you will, you are human, we all do) I will…
(example: show myself grace, give myself a pass, call a trusted person to vent for 2 minutes,
think about another choice I could have made, etc.).
Before bed – remember this only takes 2.5 minutes:
5. Today I am proud of myself for ………………………….. (not fully losing it – only partially, not
lashing out when I wanted to, curbing my sarcasm, not complaining, breathing and counting to 5
before I walked in, not cussing my head off, screaming into a pillow instead of at….).
6. I wish I would have…………………… (reminded myself this is hard for them too, given myself
a moment of grace, sat down for a cup/glass of ……………….instead of forcing myself to do
7. Tomorrow it is possible (not required) that I could……………………………..(try again, maybe
ask someone to help, say a prayer, sit outside, tell myself it won’t always be this way, remind my loved one/myself I love them, walk for 5 minutes, read 3 pages, call a friend).
Rinse. Repeat (tomorrow). Left foot. Right foot. You got this.