When you think about today, have you decided how you want to feel?

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It may seem like a strange question and it is important to decide on purpose. Not many of us do.

Take a moment and visualize – empowering emotion you want to bring with you? What emotion do you want to invite in to guide you through this day?

Here are a few choices: curiosity, compassion, confidence, passion (there are many more).  Do any speak to you? 

Choose one and feel it. Imagine it, embody it, visualize going through your day with that chosen emotion flowing through you

The more you envision what you want to experience the better the chance you will keep this state throughout the day.

You will likely get detoured, and that’s okay.  You can return to your chosen emotion.  If you want help, reach out for a free coaching session.

Have an amazing day with whatever helpful emotion you choose.

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