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Upset Asian Senior man sitting on the edge of the sofa with arms crossed against the background of his wife.

Caregivers – Do you ever think “If he/she had not said (fill in the blank) I would not be feeling like crap?

I promise it is not true. They are just words someone said. I know you may want to argue with that. I used to as well…until I learned the secret.

It’s not what people say or do that makes us feel mad/resentful/exhausted/sad. 

It is our thoughts.  100% every time. Our thoughts about what occurs.  Which we cannot change.

Our thoughts/beliefs/opinions about occurrences cause us to have feelings, which lead to our actions.  That is how it works – every time.

For example, one of my clients who is a caregiver for her spouse with dementia, was grief struck. Her spouse was looking at their rotating digital picture frame. He saw pictures of their anniversary trip. He asked, “What is that?” He had no idea.

She was devastated. Many of us believe if he hadn’t asked the question she would not be devastated. Not true. She had a THOUGHT about his question. It was, “I don’t even know what to do with that.” It is not the question, but the thought her brain made it mean that was the problem.

This is the BEST news….let me teach you why.

Contact me for a free mini session and we can go deeper. Talk soon my friend.

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