Thanksgiving is over, but wait there is more to come…

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If you are reading this you survived Thanksgiving! Now, buckle up for December and whatever holidays you celebrate.

Many caregivers tell me, they would be okay skipping the holiday season this year.

I hear the stress building, there are so many things people think they “have” to do for the holidays, especially when caregivers add the pressure that it could be the “last” celebration for their chronically ill loved one.

I encourage my clients to take time to tap into their inner knowing regarding how they really want to spend the holidays. Write it down.  See it on paper and think about why you want what you wrote down.  Then decide if you can make it happen.

I often hear people saying, “This holiday I have to ….., or I’m worried what to say when X asks me about….or we have to go to so many places and I don’t want to…”  

Honestly, you do not need to do anything. You may be thinking, “What? Of course I do.”  You do not need to do anything you do not want to do.  I realize this may be news to you.

Choose consciously what will serve you and like your reasons.

P.S. Be UNsurprised about your family members.  They are going to keep showing up being the people they are (the ones you love and the ones that drive you crazy – and the ones who drink and talk politics and say all the things). Also remember your ill loved one may or may not know or care that it is a special holiday for you – yet another reason to only plan holiday activities YOU care about.

Reach out for a free 20 minute coaching session and we can look at how you want to spend your time and what gets in the way of making it happen.

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