Happy Birthday Lisa Madsen Coaching

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A year ago this week, I launched Lisa Madsen Coaching.

It has been a huge growth experience for me which includes feeling all the feelings – success…failure, excitement…frustration, confidence…fear…you get the idea.

I have been extremely honored to walk along many caregivers on their journey.  I continue to learn from you and am humbled by how you continue to show up day after day.

I wanted to take a moment to thank those who have personally referred to me: Rita, Shelly, Morgan, Christine, Gina, Verna, Dr. Wise, Dr Leah, Sarah and more. Your referrals to me mean so much.

Word of mouth referrals are the best and I appreciate you all.

Thank you to my awesome blog editors Shannon and Barbara – you two rock – and to my amazing coach Jill of Walton Wellness.

I reached 96.15% of my financial goal for the first year. The great thing about being your own boss and an entrepreneur is I can shift my goal date and I know I will hit it shortly.

Thank you all for your support this year. I look forward to continuing to help more burned-out caregivers in year two. 

Please continue to tell your family and friends about coaching with me. I work via Zoom so I can see people anywhere in the world!

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