Thoughts on Napping

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I took a nap at 230p on a Wednesday.

No big deal right? 


You aren’t “supposed” to take naps in the middle of a work day (even if you work at home) when it is a gorgeous day outside.

You are supposed to be hard working and productive.

That is a message I was raised with.

And I’m an adult, I get to decide for myself, right?

Beliefs or thoughts, often unconscious, run deep.

They are automatic, we often don’t think about them, even accep them as facts.

Think about your beliefs about education, caregiving, marriage, body image, and even naps and the idea of rest.

Left unchallenged beliefs can lead us astray like this seemingly silly example of naps.

I realized I was exhausted and had 2 hours of unscheduled time.

My to do list was long and I wanted a nap. I looked at my list again, decided it could wait, made a plan of how to be “productive” after said nap and I laid down.

I had to do a lot of self talk to calm my brain down. Then I noticed by body was twitching, perhaps signaling this is not something we normally do at 230pm on a Wednesday when the sun is out.

Finally I relaxed and went into a deep sleep. In fact I dreamed about taking a nap, feeling like I had too many things vying for my time. I woke up and carried on with my day, mostly proud I had allowed myself to nap and also aware it was a big deal for me. 

This was fascinating to my brain on so many levels.

What messages guide you as a person, as a caregiver about how you lead your life, how you take care of your loved one and yourself? Thoughts we assume are true, without questioning them can keep us from some delightful parts of life; life the beauty of a nap on a sunny day on a Wednesday.

Gift yourself a mini session and I can show you how your current thoughts (often subconscious and unintentional) get in the way of thoughts you can intentionally choose, to get you closer to the life you want to have.

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