Day of Gratitude and Respite with Myself

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Last Thursday I intentionally planned for a three-hour respite from my life. I packed a picnic lunch, my journal​, and a yoga mat. I silenced all notifications on my phone. It is fall in Colorado, the leaves are turning​, and I live near many hiking trails.  It was a no-brainer to me.

I mindfully got in my car, instead of at my usual frantic pace​, and set off in “granny mode”​. I let every car pass me on the mountain road. I started my ​Spotify list, I was soon out of ​Wi-Fi range​, so it went silent. At that point I said aloud the many things I was grateful for. I was in the moment, noticing nature, driving slowly, looking for the colors, and feeling blessed.

I decided on a trail where there were no cars around. I grabbed my lunch and yoga mat and set off on the trail . After a bit I found a metal picnic table and set up my mat on the table. My intent was to be off the dirt away from the critters and the ants. My mom would have been horrified seeing my yoga mat on the table – oh well. I finished with a headstand which was much steadier here than on my paddle board this summer. ​It was so refreshing to get a new perspective upside down in the forest.  

I walked some more​, and my brain was alive with ideas for life and my business. I stopped to journal and write some blogs with a heart full of gratitude for my past, current​, and even future clients that I have yet to find.  I felt the sun on my face, listened to the birds, and smelled the pine all while surrounded by green, yellow​, and red leaves. 

My challenge to myself is to carve out three daylight hours a week during fall to take myself on a respite. I know many of my caregivers at this time feel this could be a Herculean task. Perhaps it is, but study your schedule, and what you actually have to do. Then consider folks who can help you – many of you have said you have had offers you have turned down. If you don’t have established people resources​ consider the ​trade-off of hiring someone for a few hours​, so you get a break to get away from it all.  Then ponder the potential benefits.

Total cost of my 3​-hour respite: 2 gallons of gas $7, park pass $10, total $17

Benefit to my business: to be fully determined, in the meantime I decided it was of immense value

Value to my soul: priceless

If you feel making time for you is hard, really challenging or even impossible, reach out for a consult and I promise I will help you figure it out.

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