Caregiving can be super stressful and rewarding at the same time

You are currently viewing Caregiving can be super stressful and rewarding at the same time

You all have heard the expression, “both/and”.  That is what I am talking about.

People don’t often like to hear caregivers complain about how hard caregiving is. We often hear back, “It can’t be so bad,” or “There is a place in heaven for you,” or “Your mom took care of you now it is your turn.” 

We want validation – yes caregiving is hard!. I hear you, I see you. 

Johns Hopkins conducted a study on “caregiver gain”. Maybe you have heard of this or maybe you are thinking, “That is not a thing.” But it is. 

Studies show that caregivers over time can develop increased physical strength, better cognition and increased personal satisfaction.

Two things can be true at the same time, caregiving can be burdensome and beneficial.

It was also found that caregivers who have a problem solving mentality fare better than those who get often stuck in anxiety and hopelessness. 

Reach out for a free consult if you are feeling dread and burdened,  we can balance that out.

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