Reflections on the 20th Anniversary of 9-11

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Reflecting on the 20th anniversary of 9-11

Warning: This is not my typical post.

Whether you paid attention or not, it was hard to get through the weekend without knowing America had a significant anniversary this weekend. 

Saturday marked the 20-year mark of 9-11. This brought up many thoughts and feelings.

I heard many different reactions. Some were glued to the TV. Some did not watch or scroll for anything – on purpose.   

Some reminisced about where they were that day, hour by hour, some remember the day but can’t tell you where they were.  Some experienced PTSD and are are  Some have yet to realize 9-11 has impacted their ongoing decision making.  Some ate or drank their way through the weekend.

On 9-11-2001,I was days away from eloping in Italy and did not know if we were going to get to leave the country.  On 9-11 this year, my teen flew to Chicago. I was anxious when I heard. He matter of factly stated, “Mom, it’s cheap to fly on 9-11.” That did not help.  I had a lot of thoughts and feelings about it and practiced my self-coaching skills.

Regardless of your reaction this weekend, as a nation, 9-11 was and is about experiencing collective trauma. Whether you know it or not, it impacted you on some level.  The body holds onto trauma, which can appear at inopportune moments. Some realize their brains operate from fear and therefore try to stay safe all the time, which can be exhausting.

Some believe as a country we were more united twenty years ago than today. Daily we can find stories about how divided we are. Those are thoughts that cause results (intentional or not) in your life. 

Typically I coach caregivers. However, as a certified life coach I can and do coach people on anything.

In honor of 9-11, I am offering a free coaching session to anyone struggling to keep it together. Your feelings matter and they are real. No obligation, just a chance to get it out. Availability is limited.