Maybe you need to read this today…

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I was on a run today, a very slow run.  I felt tired before I started.

I came across a very tired looking daffodil after a spring snow in Colorado.  It had propped itself up on the ledge for a rest before deciding whether or not to perk up.

Next to the tired flower someone had painted this rock with the message, “Relax”. 

I was reminded that I too, when tired, need to relax. I tend to go – go – go and intentionally need to build in more planned relaxation time for me.

For intentional relaxation to occur, this means my brain, body, and emotions get to take space.  It can sometimes be challenging to do all three, and yet it is possible.

Caregivers I coach often tell me they feel “depleted” or “diminished”, in fact I heard two speak those very words yesterday. 

If you feel this way or even better, before you feel depleted, think about what you can do to take 5, 10 or maybe even 30 minutes to relax?  It is possible. However, it can look very different for each person.

I would love to have a 20 minute free consult with you to talk about intentional relaxation or anything else you would like coaching on.

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