Dear Caregiver,

It’s the middle of winter. Storms have reeked havoc across the country. Tonight, Denver has a winter weather advisory for big snow.

I am sitting here with my hands around a giant cup of tea trying to stay warm.

I know many struggle with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). It is a real thing that can reek havoc in winter. For those unfamiliar, SAD  is a type of depression that is related to the seasons. It usually starts and ends about the same time each year (usually in the fall/winter and tapers off in the spring).

One of my company’s goals is to reach out and serve the community.s

I want to offer two free coaching sessions to the first two caregivers who reach out between now and the end of February. That is only five days away.

If you have been wondering about coaching, curious if it is right for you….reach out for a free 45 minute session. Whether you have SAD or not, I want to help show you your brain and where it sometimes gets stuck.

Our brain’s job is to keep us safe and keep things easy. Your brain may be saying you don’t need a coaching session – you don’t know what could happen…it could be scary. It doesn’t hurt. In fact, I can promise you will learn something fabulous and potentially life changing – would you like to try?

If you do have SAD or think you might, click below for some resources to help.…/s…/symptoms-causes/syc-20364651

Keep your mittens handy, grab a hot beverage, and stay warm.