Caregiver – what unspoken rules are you carrying around?

I often hear, “I can’t leave, I have to take care of them…they need me, no one else can do it…this is killing me, but it’s my duty.”

Those thoughts will leave you angry, resentful, deflated, exhausted, and overwhelmed.

They do not serve you, let alone the loved one you are caring for.

You are a caregiver; that is true.

How do you want to show up? Angry and resentful, or loving and compassionate? Did you know you have a choice?

Many clients I coach want to choose better thoughts and get results they want. They just do not know how. I can help you.

Likely it is what you would want if you were the patient. You’ve got this. We can do it. I see you, and I have been there.

Be well, Friend.