So we all have expectations. They usually go hand in hand with holidays…do you recall getting the Sears wish book with the shiny cover of a picture perfect scene? How about holiday Hallmark movies, or siblings in matching outfits?

You may just be struggling to get out of bed in the morning only to deal with a cranky loved one in pain who is making demands on you that seem to never stop.

Now add the holidays. How do you want them to go? Do you even want to celebrate?

Do you know it is a choice? You do not have to do anything. It’s true.

And you may want to. If so, here are a couple ideas to make the season more doable:

*Keep it simple. Due to COVID 19 most celebrations will be very small. You decide how much you want to do. Don’t let others pressure you. You already have plenty going on. You choose.

*Design a holiday that works for you. That might mean not celebrating on the actual “date” on the calendar. Did you know that is a thing? Even in non COVID 19 years, many families pick another day, one that works for them. You choose what works for you.

*Reset expectations. Nothing this year is normal which actually gives us a lot of wiggle room and for many makes it easier. You choose what works in your home. For example, many clients have said they are thrilled they don’t have to clean house as they are seeing family over Zoom.

*Lower your expectations. If you can do this, it usually helps everyone. You have plenty going on. Remember your home is not a Hallmark movie or a Sears wish catalog. You choose.

I am here to help coach your brain to discover way more possibilities than you ever imagined.

Reach out for a free 20 min discovery session. I hope to talk to you soon. Remember, you choose!

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